"So... what is exactly v-nature? ", my dad asked last night.
"Well.. plants and vegetables created on the computer", I told him. I heard a humm..... on the other side of the phone, so figured I needed to explain it better.
I am a foodie, a gardener and a nature watcher. Therefore, I know there is no way I can depict nature as it deserves using bits and bytes, since I can only use two of my five senses (see and hear).
I created Greenthumb Magic as the virtual part of me. who inspired by flowers, plants and food creates representations of nature on the computer (v-nature); while I watch, listen, smell, taste and feel the beauty of the world in real life.
Greenthumb names each piece of v-nature after someone; because as Louis Kaufman once said, 'Plant a seed of friendship; reap a bouquet of happiness.' This blog is all about that - the happiness we feel when someone or something touches our life - represented through nature, virtual or not.